
Many of Britain's hoverflies are black and yellow and not easily told apart. However some of the more common species are quite distinctive and the six shown here should be fairly easy to identify. Although some look a bit like bees or wasps they are quite harmless and like nothing better than to feed on aphids, so they are the gardener's friend. Very few have common names so the Latin names are used here.

Episyrphus balteatus
Episyrphus balteatus

Commonly known as the Marmalade hoverfly, this is the most common species and easy to identify.

Helophilus pendulus
Helophilus pendulus

Several Helophilus species are difficult to separate, but they all have strong yellow stripes running down their thorax.

Myathropa florea
Myathropa florea

Sometimes known as the Batman hoverfly because of the distinctive black shape on its thorax.

Volucella pellucens
Volucella pellucens

This very large black and white hoverfly is easy to spot and looks a bit like a bumblebee.

Syritta pipiens
Syritta pipiens

An unmistakeable species as it is slim and has greatly enlarged hind femora (thighs).

Rhingia campestris
Rhingia campestris

This mainly brown hoverfly is one of only a couple of species with an enlarged 'snout' that enables it to reach nectar deep in some flowers.