Crickets & Grasshoppers

Grasshoppers have short antennae and the males make their chirping sound by rubbing their back legs together. Crickets have very long antennae and their sound is made by rubbibg their wings together. Early in the season we only see the nyphs which are smaller, always wingless and usually of quite different colours to the adult. The nymphs shed their skin between each of the different stages as they grow.

Speckled Bush Cricket
Speckled Bush Cricket

This almost wingless cricket has very distinctive black speckles all over its body.

Roesel's Bush Cricket
Roesel's Bush Cricket

The distinguishing mark on this species is the bold yellow edge of the pronotum, just behind its head.

Dark Bush Cricket
Dark Bush Cricket

Ther only dark brown cricket you are likely to find in this area. The short wings are absent in the female.

Green Grasshopper
Common Green Grasshopper

Unlike this male, which is brown on top, the females are always green.

Meadow Grasshopper
Meadow Grasshopper

This flightless species has short wings and usually no markings behind its head.

Field Grasshopper
Field Grasshopper

The colours of this grasshopper can be quite variable and the lines on its shoulders are strongly indented.