Flowers of Ponds and Streams

These are all plants that grow in, or very close to, water. The best place to find all of these is the streams and pools of the Combe Haven valley.


Easily recognised by the distinctive arrow-shaped leaves this plant grows along the Combe Haven. The flowers appear in July and August.

Yellow Water-lily
Yellow Water-lily

Another plant that is common along the Combe Haven where the bright yellow flowers grow on stalks that rise well above the surface.

Water Forget-me-not
Water Forget-me-not

One of several common species of Forget-me-not, this one can be found growing in several of our streams.

Yellow Iris
Yellow Iris

This very common plant grows on wet ground and is often found at the edge of pools.

Water Mint
Water Mint

Another flower that is commonly found around the margin of pools, Water Mint smells of mint and is popular with insects.