Winter Flowers

Most plants flower in the warmer months of the year so the Winter is not a good time to look for them. However there are some plants that flower all year round and a few, like the Winter Helioptrope, that only flower in the winter.


Ivy only flowers between September and November, although the berries, which ripen through green to black, can be seen all year round.

Winter Heliotrope
Winter Heliotrope

Flowering from December until March this is one of only a few plants that only flower in winter.The rest of the year just the kidney-shaped leaves betray its presence.


Gorse flowers all year round, although best in Spring, so it is a reliable source of colour in winter. A prickly shrub with spines up to 25mm long.


Dandelions flower almost all year and attract lots of insects. The seeds form the well-known dandelion clocks.