Galley Hill

Galley Hill
Herring Gull
Herring Gull

Galley Hill is the highest point along the coast between Eastbourne and Hastings and still has a coastguard station at the top. It is a good vantage point to see what's passing along the coast and seals can sometimes be spotted along with various birds that don't usually come ashore here. There are of course always gulls perched along the edge of the cliffs, usually Herring Gulls.

Winter Heliotrope
Winter Heliotrope

A variety of wild flowers can be found including Alexanders, Wild Carrot, Winter Heliotrope and Goats Rue. The invasive plant, Hotentot Fig, also thrives on the cliff face. Sackville Lodge used to stand on Galley Hill and some non-native plants still survive from the gardens including Japanese Spindle, Tamarisk and Acanthus mollis, popularly called Bears Breeches.

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