True Bugs (Hemiptera)

Many people refer to all insects as 'bugs' but this group of over 2000 British insects are known as the true bugs belonging to the order Hemiptera. All true bugs have piercing mouthparts and many have long antenae and overlapping wing cases. This page shows a few that you might see which are fairly easy to identify.

Green Shield Bug
Green Shield Bug

The most frequently seen shield bug, it is often found in gardens.

Sloe Bug
Sloe Bug

Another shield bug that is often seen in gardens. Sometimes called the Hairy Shield Bug.

Dock Bug
Dock Bug

A common squash bug that is very often found on Dock plants where its young develop.

Cimmamon Bug
Cinnamon Bug

This plant bug is quite common and has unmistakeable markings. It favours dry habitats.

Common Green Capsid
Common Green Capsid

A very common Capsid that is often found in gardens

Grypocoris stysi
Grypocoris stysi - Capsid

This is another Capsid but it doesn't have a common name. It is, however, fairly common.

Cercopis vulnerata
Cercopis vulnerata

This is the most brightly coloured of a number of froghoppers, but it does not have a common name.

River Skater
River Skater

The River Skater and the smaller Pond Skater can often be seen in little groups skating across the surface.


Backswimmers swim upside down just below the surface, using their back legs like oars. They hunt tadpoles and small fish.