Hooe Level
Hooe Level is the eastern part of the large marshy area generally known as the Pevensey Levels and part of it lies within the Bexhill boundary. However it is not a popular area to visit, partly because much of it is difficult to access and also because it is mostly grassland which floods each winter. Nevertheless the lack of disturbance contributes to the area being incredibly rich in wildlife, some of it very rare. At Norman's bay there is also a small area of saltmarsh, another rare habitat, with its own poulation of sometimes rare plants and animals.
In March 2021 Sussex Wildlife Trust, who have a nature reserve in another part of the Pevensey Levels, organised an on-line talk by local naturalist Evan Jones. This can be seen on a YouTube video entitled Pevensey and Eastbourne Levels: A Natural History which explores the history of the area and some of the wonderful wildlife that can be found there. Although an hour and a quarter long, it is very interesting and informative. The first 5 minutes is introduction, but if you can get past that you will be hooked.